Hull Team GB – Signpost 6

Team GB Activity

Practice these activities on your own!

Shadow boxing

One training method for boxers is shadow boxing, meaning you just do the boxing on your own!

Make sure you’ve got plenty of space between yourself and others, and try out these 5 moves.

Start by standing with one foot in front of the other with your fists up to your nose.

Let’s begin!

Jab and Cross

  • For a ‘jab’, punch straight in front. If you’re stood with your right foot in front, punch with your right arm (and vice versa).
  • For a ‘cross’, you want to punch across your body and twist as you punch forwards. If you’re stood with your right foot in front, punch with your left arm (and vice versa).

Upper cut

  • Drop your elbow down and punch upwards until your fist is in line with your eyes.
  • Do this on both sides!


  • Raise your elbow up so your forearm is horizontal.
  • Then curve punch forwards as if you’re trying to ‘hook’ something!


  • Imagine you are avoiding a punch this time!
  • Move your head slightly forward and to the right or left (depending on where you are imagining dodging the punch from)

Ready to put your new skills to the test? Watch the video and follow along with Team GB Olympic Bronze Medallist Anthony Ogogo!

This activity was suggested by students at Priory Primary School, Stepney Primary School, and Sirius West Academy.

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Did you know, boxing is one of the oldest ever sports, and has been in the Olympics since 1904?

Congratulations, you just earned a badge!

Share your achievement badge on social media using the hashtag #TeamGBActivityTrail

Give me more information!

Need more details on the signpost yoga activities?

Easy – Standing back bend
Raise both arms above your head.
Then gently lean backwards and tilt your head back.
Hold for 10 seconds, rest for 10 seconds, repeat 5 times.

Medium – Warrior II
Take one large step forward with the front foot facing forwards and the back foot sideways.
Put one arm out straight in front of you and one straight behind you.
Then bend the front knee and shift your weight forwards into the front leg.
Hold for 10 seconds, rest for 10 seconds, repeat 5 times.

Challenging – Tree pose
How good is your balance?
Stand on one leg with your other foot resting on the inside of your knee.
Either put your hands clasped to your chest or straight above your head.
See if you can hold for 10 seconds on each leg!

Updates and Feedback

Click the link below to keep up-to-date about the Team GB Family Activity Trails, including future opportunities to get involved with the trails.

Already tried out the trails? Click the button below to give your feedback. All survey entries will be entered into a prize draw to win Team GB merchandise! Each time you walk the trails and complete the survey, you will get an additional entry to the prize draw.

Have any questions? Send an email to the lead researcher:

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The University of Hull and Team GB Partnership

The partnership between the University of Hull and Team GB is based on the belief that everyone is extraordinary, and, we are there to support our students to help them find it, the same as Team GB supports athletes to do the same. We believe that extraordinary doesn’t just happen – it takes hard work and determination with the right opportunities to achieve what they never thought was possible.

Using the exclusive opportunities, we have as part of our partnership has enabled us to inspire our students, staff and community to achieve their own extraordinary.

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